Spyridon Papageorgiou

Spyridon Papageorgiou, DDS, MSc, Dr Med Dent Habil

Senior Teaching and Research Assistant, Clinic of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Visiting Senior Lecturer, Centre for Craniofacial & Regenerative Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London, London, UK

Spyridon Papageorgiou completed his orthodontic specialty training & doctorate in 2016 (Summa Cum Laude; Bonn, Germany), received his Habilitation (2021; Zurich)) and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Orthognathic Surgery (2022; Zurich), and a MSc on Medical Research Methodology (2022; Thessaloniki).

He has published over 180 papers in international peer-reviewed journals (>6000 citations; h-index: 46; i10-index: 106), acts as a reviewer, editor, statistical advisor, and examiner for theses/dissertations. 


He has worked research funded by the German Research Foundation (2013), the Greek & German State Scholarship Foundations (2015), and the European Orthodontic Society (2016) and has received multiple Scholarship awards, including the David L. Turpin Award for Evidence-Based Research (2012) and the B.F. and Helen E. Dewel Award for Clinical Research (2018) from the American Association of Orthodontists, the W.J.B. Houston Award (2017) from the European Orthodontic Society, the Chapman Prize twice (2018 & 2022) from the British Orthodontic Society, and the Best Research Award (2015) from the Greek Orthodontic Society. 

He has participated in the development of clinical recommendations meetings from the European Academy of Osseointegration (2018), the Osteology Foundation (2022), and the European Federation for Periodontology (2022). His research focuses on the clinical outcome, duration, or side-effects of orthodontic treatment, evidence-based methods including randomized trials and meta-analysis, quantifying bias in orthodontic research, open / transparent research practices, and the interplay between systematic diseases and biology of orthodontic tooth movement.

Topic: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Airways and Breathing*  (*But Were Afraid to Ask)

The topic of upper airways and breathing has constantly been receiving increased attention with annual research output showing an exponential rate. Moreover, the potential role of orthodontics, dentofacial orthopedics, or orthognathic surgery in improving alleviating breathing disorders has intrigued many colleagues. However, wishful thinking from the side of orthodontists, treating physicians, or even patients, though understandable, cannot influence treatment decisions and scientifically proven facts need be clearly differentiated from unsubstantiated claims. Apart from that, anecdotal notions of potential detrimental effects of orthodontic extractions or headgear, traditionally echoed even among orthodontic Greats, should be evaluated anew with a more sober look with our feets buried in robust clinical observations. Aim of the present talk will be to address the potential effects of orthodontics on the upper airways of children or adults with malocclusion, as well as pinpoint what the orthodontist can do to help children or adults with breathing disorders.